I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Meta AI in Paris, where I am advised by Yann LeCun. My research currently focuses on self-supervised learning. I am also curious about technology and its implications in politics and entrepreneurship. I sometimes write on these subjects for different organizations such as the Group for Geopolitical Studies, a european think-tank hosted at École normale supérieure.
Prior to that, I was a PhD Student in Machine Learning in the Sierra research team at Inria, where I was co-advised by Julien Mairal and Alexandre d'Aspremont. During my PhD, I proposed architectural improvements for learning from small or medium sized datasets such as scientific data.
PhD in Machine Learning, 2022
MSc in Machine Learning (MVA), 2018
ENS Paris-Saclay
Diplôme d'Ingénieur (Theoretical Physics, Business Studies), 2017
École polytechnique
Research Intern, 2016
MIT, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
[07/06/22] I talked about Graph Transformers at X-IA#10: State of the Graphs in Paris and at SGDMAL in Rennes.
[21/02/22] I started to work at Meta AI as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
[19/01/22] I successfully defended my PhD, whose title is “On Inductive Biases for Machine Learning in Data Constrained Settings”.
[04/02/21] I talked about “How Natural Language Processing is reshaping Machine Learning” at the Paris NLP Meetup.
[12/01/21] Our paper A Trainable Optimal Transport Embedding for Feature Aggregation and its Relationship to Attention was accepted to ICLR 2021.
Notes I wrote (in French) for various organizations.
Les outils développés par Apple pour traquer et signaler automatiquement les images pédopornographiques stockées sur les smartphones de ses utilisateurs soulèvent de nombreuses inquiétudes relatives à la protection des données. Ils sont surtout le symptôme d'une évolution dans les standards de traitement des données par les géants du numérique. Une analyse à retrouver sur le site de la revue Esprit.
Gustave Ronteix et moi-même avons interrogé Alexandre Gramfort, chercheur en machine learning à Inria Saclay, pour le Grand Continent. Open source comme outil stratégique, naissance de scikit-learn, IA en santé, GAFAs et monde académique : le résultat est passionnant et disponible ici.